Got a Gambettes Box subscription? Sometimes you need a little break, and we’ve got you covered. You can pause your subscription anytime between February and the August/September Box included. What does that mean? You won’t receive the Box for the following month, and you won’t be charged for it either.
Before you hit pause, here’s what you should know:
Think of the pause option as your little joker. You can activate it anytime between the 1st of the month and the payment date. Changed your mind? No problem—as long as the payment hasn’t gone through yet, you can cancel your pause. But after the payment date, you’ll need to wait for the next month to make changes.
You can pause for several months in a row (as long as you haven’t reached your limit of 3 pauses per year), but only one month at a time. No stacking pauses—just one at a time, nice and simple.
Double Boxes? They count as one month in your pause quota. And if your subscription was a gift, don’t worry—you can pause those too.
One last thing: if you decide to change your subscription plan while on pause, your pause will be automatically canceled.
How to pause?
It’s easy: just log into your account, head to “My subscription,” and click on “Pause my subscription.” And that’s it—you’re all set!